With the expertise of Sujay Paul, we present you with our range of 60+ courses and workshops, which can serve as the backbone and the skill sets for your lives, Students, Schools, Universities, Parents, as an Individual in general who wants to ace in his life and reach the heights where some can only dream of. These life changing workshops will give you the map on how to scale every aspect of life!

These Courses and workshops help in overall A-Z development of any individual in general who is either confused or willing to learn about what his life is capable of; what we as humans are capable of achieving and apart from academics they are handy in every nook and corner of their life be it interviews, meetings, career decisions, life decisions, competitions, etc. The skills learnt would be transferrable and can be used in every walk of life.

We present you with our most advanced life changing courses by International Public Speaker Mr. Sujay Paul. These Certified courses from London, United Kingdom under the handle of Sujay come designed according to the mindset of the Youth and coming of age leaders.

Running the courses up to 10 hours, divided on two (or more) days, Sujay makes sure he touches the lives of each and every student he comes across in the workshops and exceeds the expectations on a sure shot basis for the Institution/organizing body.

Sujay will make sure all of his students touch Global heights and gain International exposure as he himself has climbed the ladders of global success and knows how to guide an individual towards such goals

Communication Skills

Learn how to communicate more effectively at work and achieve your goals. Taught by award-winning International Public speaker Sujay Paul, Improving Communications Skills is an essential course designed to give you both the tools you need to improve your communication skills, and the most successful strategies for using them to your advantage. You'll learn how to discover if someone is lying (and how to react if they are), how to develop trust, the best method of communication for negotiation, and how to apologize. You'll also learn when to cooperate and when to compete, how to create persuasive messages, ask thoughtful questions, engage in active listening, and choose the right medium (face-to-face
conversation, video conference, phone call, or email) for your messages. By the end of the course, you'll be able to understand what others want, respond strategically to their wants and needs, craft convincing and clear messages, and develop the critical communication skills you need to get ahead in business and in life.


Personal and Professional Development

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The world of work is characterized by rapid ongoing change. In this dynamic environment, one of the most critical skills for leaders is their capacity to learn and to adapt; to engage in the continuous development of their skills in managing and leading others. This course will assist you in the ongoing development of your skills and abilities by focusing on the nature of the self-development process. You will reflect on and develop self-awareness of your current leadership style to understand the strengths you need to develop and which challenges you will face as a leader. The course also examines the change process, and explores the processes of self-regulation that underpin personal skill development.


Introduction to Personal Growth (Branding + Volunteering)

Career Planning and Development(Branding + Volunteering)

CV and Cover Letters

How to succeed at interviews

Online Presence (how to use social media to your advantage + Avoid negative use of social media)

Networking (Network is your net worth, connect with the brightest minds from all over the world) (Branding + Volunteering)

Health and Wellbeing

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In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more
productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Sujay Paul reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life.


Skills for Success

About this Specialization
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To become job-ready and life-ready, you need to develop technical knowledge and skills. Those skills can help you get through that first door. But then what? Completing this professional certificate will help you learn and develop skills
that can lead to success working in any organization! Skills that not only help you succeed in that first job, but also ensure that first job is the start of a long, successful career. Collectively, the materials in this certificate program will help you develop and enhance professional business skills that facilitate your success throughout your chosen career. Through this specialization, you will:

  • Acquire a deep understanding of the importance and role of ethics within and beyond the organization.
  • Realize the benefits and challenges of a diverse culture and changingglobal perspectives.
  • Enhance your ability to work creatively within the organization.
  • Understand the importance and role of teamwork and develop skills that differentiate yourself as a team player.
  • Communicate using common organizational language, concepts, and frameworks useful for decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Develop and strengthen your capacity to lead and recognize leadership exhibited by those around you.